PCT Eid Al-Adha 2021.

Dear Palestine Charity Team Supporters, We wish to take the opportunity to extend our heartfelt thanks for your great support and the generosity of those who have donated to our needy and poor families. The more donations we receive, the more people we can help. Our team of volunteers are tirelessly working to meet the needs of all poor and needy families. When you donate, you make a huge difference in someone’s life because your precious donations cannot only ease hardships and hunger but it can even save lives. As Eid Al-Adha, our religious holiday is quickly approaching and will be on August, we are once again appealing to you to help us distribute meat to every needy family, according to our traditional customs. We traditionally celebrate the holiday by wearing our best clothes and visiting each other with sweets and good wishes to everyone. At the Palestine Charity Team, we are going to host an event of distributing meat and clothing to the neediest families in Gaza. Poor children who’s parents can’t afford to buy new clothes for Eid, suffer emotional pain feeling deprived.

Children want more than anything to be like the rest of the children of the world, and we are going to do everything in our power to make that happen! The children of Palestine have suffered enough. The children of Gaza suffered more than anyone can imagine! ​

With your generous donations we will be reaching out to families in Gaza who need our help the most. We will visit these families prior to the Eid celebration and we will take the children’s measurements to be able to provide the appropriate clothing to them. We can only make this happen with your support! The children of Gaza are relying on your generosity to have a special and memorable Eid-ul-Adha celebration. Thank you for your precious and continued support. You all are part of the Palestine Charity Team, as this team could never function without your help and support.


38980 Fremont Blvd Fremont, CA 94536


A volunteer youth team from Gaza, established to stand by the social and humanitarian issues that concern the Gaza Strip.